
About Us

The Pezcoller Foundation is a non-profit organization established in Trento in 1980, by Prof. Alessio Pezcoller (1896 - 1993) Chief Surgeon at Santa Chiara Hospital of Trento-Italy, aimed to promote biomedical research in the field of cancer.

The Foundation’s heritage consists of the legacy of Professor Pezcoller, who generously donated his properties, fueled by further donations and legacies of third parties.

The Foundation is governed by a President and a Board of 10 Directors and benefits from the patronage of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Trento and Rovereto.

The Foundation carries out its activities using its resources and the contributions of its main sponsor and those of the Autonomous Province of Trento, of the Municipalities of Trento and Rovereto and of third parties.

The statute of the Pezcoller Foundation
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