* NEW *
Communicating medicine. The challenges of cancer research and how to tell about them
Free online course (Italian only), accredited by the Order of Journalists and organized together with the communications agency Zadig Srl Società Benefit.
Credits: 4
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The course is structured in 4 modules:
Module 1: "Epidemiology of cancer and what is cancer" with Cristina Da Rold (health journalist) and Enzo Galligioni (Pezcoller Foundation)
Module 2: "Pillars of therapy: surgery, radiation therapy, medical therapy" with Enzo Galligioni (Pezcoller Foundation)
Module 3: "New therapies: target therapies and immunotherapy" with Giampaolo Tortora (Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS) and Vincenzo Bronte (Istituto Oncologico Veneto)
Module 4: "New frontiers of therapy: microbiota and gene therapy" with Maria Rescigno (Humanitas University Milan) and Luigi Naldini (University "Vita-salute" San Raffaele of Milan).
The course will expire on December 30, 2024.
InfoCancro - ideas for your articles, free service for journalists and communicators:
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To Involve the scientific Community and general Population in the Foundation’s Activities